
Words of wisdom to inspire you...


Words of wisdom to inspire you...

Image of car driving fast in a blog post by Carli Thorpe

How we drive is how we live

February 02, 20243 min read

How does the way you drive, reflect your life?

I realised the other day, having done a lot of motorway driving recently, just how much like life our driving habits can be.  I saw so many people driving this way. 

People speeding along on the road, as fast as they could, too close to the car in front.

Squeezing in too small spaces as they changed lanes. Not letting others in.

And I’ll be honest – I sometimes do this too! 

But, at what point do we slow down, pause and enjoy the ride?

When do we choose to simply take it all in?

How can we be a little kinder and more considerate to each other? 

How can we create more spaciousness around and therefore within us?


How does they way you drive, make you feel?

I don’t know about you, but this way of driving really stresses me out.  When I (finally) notice what’s happening and I feel the tension in my belly, my clenched jaw and how tightly I’ve gripped the steering wheel, I take a deep slow breath.

I ease my foot off the accelerator.  I express gratitude for noticing and for the opportunity to slow down.

Give it a go and see how you feel.

With this one simple act, the stress and tension falls away.  The fixation on getting to my destination calms, and I enjoy the music.

I notice and enjoy the drive, feeling less affected by the other drivers around me.


Something to ponder:

So, my question to you is: What would it look like if you created more space between you and the driver in front?  How would it feel to slow down and move through life with more ease – both on and off the road?!  What if you extended a little more kindness to others on the road?  You might begin to notice that what you send out, comes back to you in reciprocated kindness.

I know this isn’t always easy.  We are so hooked into being busy that, at first, a slower pace can feel uncomfortable.  We live in a world where busyness and speed is glorified.

Perhaps you keep yourself constantly occupied to avoid the truth of what you’re really feeling underneath?  Is there unresolved trauma?  An unfulfilling relationship?  Do you feel stuck in a soul destroying job?  Or are you surrounded by difficult family dynamics?


 How to facilitate slowing down – on and off the road 

Whatever it may be that keeps you speeding through life, there is a way to overcome it and live a slower, more peaceful and fulfilling life.  You can heal those wounds and reconnect with feelings of joy and vitality.  Slowing down gives you the opportunity to truly look at and change what isn’t working in your life – if you’re ready to go there.  You  always have a choice.

So, if you would like to slow down and enjoy life with more vitality and ease, start small and try taking short pauses between tasks and activities. 

Take three long slow breaths (or more – there is no maximum) before you move on to the next thing.  Perhaps set a timer on your phone for 3 minutes and sit in stillness.  Allow the quiet to permeate through you.  If you notice a busy mind and thoughts, bring the focus back to your breath and allow.

Need a spring board to make change?

Sometimes we need a little support along the way to make sustainable changes in our lives.  So, if this feels like you and you are ready to work more deeply on creating change in your life, perhaps I can help you.

I offer guided self-healing if you are experiencing chronic stress, symptoms of burnout, if you have depression and anxiety and if you know that your past trauma and life experience is holding you back from the life you truly desire. 

Curious to know more?  Book your free 30-minute call with me here:

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Carli Thorpe

Carli empowers others to take back control of their well-being, through transformational coaching and mentoring. Her vision is of a world where everyone has access to the tools, techniques and knowledge that facilitate well-being self-mastery.

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