
Words of wisdom to inspire you...


Words of wisdom to inspire you...

Image of parent child at sunset used in a blog post by Carli Thorpe


April 05, 20244 min read

How are you cultivating your personal response-ability?

We each have the responsibility (and the power) to choose how to respond in any given situation. Doing so is an act of radical self-care in today’s chaotic world.

It’s so easy, when faced with difficult situations, disagreements and conflict, to react from the hurt we are feeling.  In doing this, we are reacting from our wounded selves. The wounded child within. Most of the time, we don’t even realise we’re doing it. 

Can you think of a situation in your life this could apply to?

The problem is, when we react from this place, we risk damaging our relationships, and hurting those we love - by acting out, lashing out, shutting out, blaming, shaming and withdrawing.

This reaction comes from fear, pain and shame, and it usually perpetuates more of the same.

I’ve  been learning this lesson recently. Becoming more aware of the way I show up in relation to others.  I understand the why. I know it stems from childhood, how I learned to communicate through observing others, and through complex family dynamics. 


Choosing a different way

So, my question to you is this: How can you choose to respond from love, integrity, kindness and compassion? How can you perpetuate more of this instead? It is something I am consciously practicing, and it is becoming more natural - on some days more than others! I know it will for you, too.

How can you zoom out and create distance from your wounds and see it from a higher perspective? How can you take more of a birds-eye view?  I know this can be extremely difficult to do when we’re ‘in it’.  But if there’s just 1% of you that can connect with objectivity and observe, it could be transformational for you.

Whatever you’re facing, how can you view it through the eyes of love and compassion?  How can you see it differently?  In doing so, you begin to heal those wounds, and create new, healthier patterns of personal responsibility, and of relating with others. 


Childhood wounds re-activated

What if, when you’re hurting in this moment, it is an activation of a childhood wound or trauma?  This is so often the case and when we’re in the midst of it, it can be difficult to see.  But with practice (and I mean repeated practice), conscious choice and carefully considered intention, you can cultivate a different way. 

In my work with clients, and my personal journey, I guide self-healing for the wounded parts of ourselves.  Those wounds that, as an adult, show up as living life through low self-worth, setting poor boundaries, being a people pleaser, being a perfectionist or victim. 

Perhaps this is manifesting for you as difficult relationships, challenging bosses and thoughts and beliefs that you’re never going to be good enough.

These are learned behaviours and limiting beliefs from something (or many things) in our early years. It is conditioning that isn’t really yours.  The good news is, through guided self-healing, all of it can become a thing of a past. 

When we heal and cultivate personal responsibility, we will create a more expansive,  loving life for ourselves, our relationships and the world as a whole.  Like a ripple effect, it can’t help but positively impact those around you.

So, how can you practice response-ability to act from love, integrity, kindness and compassion?

When you feel activated, can you look inward and ask yourself (compassionately and kindly):  

  • What wound within me is being activated right now? 

  • What do I believe about myself that’s making me feel this way, and is it really true? 

  • When / where / from whom did I learn this behaviour? 


Are you ready?

  • Are you are ready to start asking yourself these questions?

  • Are you ready to heal from your past and connect with your true and empowered self?

  • Are you ready to live with joy and vitality, from love, integrity and compassion?

  • Are you ready to cultivate your personal response-ability and take the power back in your life?


If you are, then the guided self-healing I offer could be exactly what you’re looking for.

Its one-to-one deep coaching & mentoring, using intuitive, integrative tools and techniques that you carry forward way beyond our time together.

To find out more, book your free 30-minute call here:

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Personal responsability
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Carli Thorpe

Carli empowers others to take back control of their well-being, through transformational coaching and mentoring. Her vision is of a world where everyone has access to the tools, techniques and knowledge that facilitate well-being self-mastery.

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