
Words of wisdom to inspire you...


Words of wisdom to inspire you...

Cheerleader used in blog post by Carli Thorpe

What is your Inner Narrative?

January 05, 20244 min read

Are you driven by your inner-critic or your inner-cheerleader?

Do you find it difficult to consistently make healthier choices for your body? Have you ever wondered why it can be so difficult to consistently show up for yourself? Why you might make that new choice a few times and then slip back into the old habit?

For many people – and this may or may not be you – the ‘push’ (I use this word very intentionally) to do more exercise / eat less chocolate / drink less alcohol / go to bed earlier etc.  – comes from a place of self-criticism. It comes from this inner narrative that is telling you all the things that are wrong with you. The things that need to be fixed.

This ongoing inner narrative, (that you may not be consciously aware of initially), triggers physiological responses in your body resulting in stress and difficult emotions. You might feel ashamed and guilty for not making better choices, or frustrated with yourself that you didn’t do that thing again.  

Our natural human behaviour is to do something that avoids and escapes difficult thoughts and feelings.  This is when you might reach for that numbing mechanism: the glass of wine; binge watching tv; reaching for the comfort food – or anything else that helps you escape what you’re feeling.

What if it could be different?

Image of hands making heart shape used in blog by Carli Thorpe

What if you could think and feel differently about yourself, your body and the choices you make for your health?  What if it could be easier to be kinder to yourself each day? What if you could make those choices from genuine care, love and support for yourself? From a place of knowing you are worthy of making the healthier choice? 

The good news is you can!

Imagine how you care for a loved one. If they’re sick you might make them chicken soup. If they’re recovering from injury you might encourage them to do their rehab exercises and drive them to places for medical appointments. If your friend is sad or grieving you might give them a big hug and help with some of life’s daily stuff, or just spend time with them.

What is the biggest driver behind these actions?

You got it - it is love, along with empathy, compassion and kindness. 

Love and a desire to see your loved one return to health and happiness.

Now imagine turning that love, empathy, compassion and kindness towards yourself. Towards your body. This is the one body that you have for this lifetime.

How does it feel to do this?

If it is difficult for you, try to imagine how it feels to support, nurture and nourish yourself from this energy of self-love. Everything that exists in the world today began with imagination.  So, start here and make it a daily practice to watch it become your reality.  Now you’ve got that feeling, can you see how much easier it will be to choose differently for yourself each day?  

For me, when I connect with that energy, it feels like a big exhale. A coming home into myself and my body.  It feels like I’m working in partnership with myself, instead of against it. And that makes life flow with significantly more ease. Would you like this for yourself too?  

It’s a continuous practice

What I’ve described above is a brief snapshot of the journey I have been on (and continue to be on) in relationship with myself and my body. In energy terms, this is the transition from being in resistance (being driven by that inner-critic) to being in alignment (becoming my own inner cheerleader!)

It’s a back and forth. But, the inner cheerleader is forefront more often than not, and I feel more accepting of myself.  There’s much less judgement of the choices I make. If I can make this shift, then you can too!

All you need to do, is decide that you’re worthy of choosing love, compassion, empathy and kindness for yourself.

This is what I call radical self-care in today’s chaotic world.

Do you want more of this in your life? 

Image of hands holding space used in blog post by  Carli Thorpe

Sometimes, we need a little guidance along the way when trying to make significant and sustainable changes in life. There might be limiting beliefs and behavioural patterns that are keeping you stuck in old habits and ways of thinking. 

If you would like to learn some powerful techniques to help you shift into your new way of being, get in touch to find out more about how I can support you.

Inner criticmental healthnegative thoughtsbody imageself confidenceself worth
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Carli Thorpe

Carli empowers others to take back control of their well-being, through transformational coaching and mentoring. Her vision is of a world where everyone has access to the tools, techniques and knowledge that facilitate well-being self-mastery.

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